Tracing Multiple Lineages

Tracing Multiple Lineages

“I really am interested in knowing my father's line because we have a family reunion coming up in August, and so I want to get everyone excited about our ancestry and know more about that.” 


This is a conversation between Simone Jones, African Ancestry Head of Operations and Beyla A., an African Ancestry family member who has already taken a MatriClan Test.

Simone: What is your father's name? 
Beyla: Charlie. 
Simone: Okay. So you want to know about Charlie's line, one of his lines. Do you want to know about his maternal line or his paternal line? 
Beyla: I think the maternal line would be best. That's what most of the folks are. Yep, maternal. 
Simone: What is your grandmother's name? 
Beyla: My grandmother's name is Susie Mae. 
Simone: What is your great-grandmother's name? 
Beyla: Her name is Jane. 
Simone: In order for us to find your father's maternal ancestry, we need to find a living relative who has the same mitochondrial DNA as Jane. If your father is willing and available to take a test, he could take a MatriClan DNA Test and here's why. He and his siblings received mitochondrial DNA from his mother, Susie Mae. She and her siblings received that same mitochondrial DNA from Jane. He or any of his sisters can take the MatriClan DNA Test.
Everyone at the reunion who is a descendant of your great-grandmother Jane, will share that ancestry! 


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