The ABCs of Receiving Results that are not African - Part 2

The ABCs of Receiving Results that are not African - Part 2

My MatriClan and PatriClan tests both came back European. What do I do next? 


The thing to remember is that these two tests only represent two of the many lineages in your family tree. 

There are several possible next steps. One of the simplest next steps would be testing your father's maternal ancestry by giving your father or one of his siblings a MatriClan DNA Test Kit. 
Another option is for you to go to your mother's side and test her paternal lineage by giving a PatriClan Test Kit to her father or to one her brothers who share the same biological father. 
Also, on your mother's side you can test her father's maternal line by giving a MatriClan DNA Test Kit to him or one of his siblings or one of his sister's children. 



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